A recent survey by EMC Research shows that Americans are ready and willing to take action to stop climate change.
A new survey of Americans released by EMC Research shows that people are far more willing to take action to stop climate change than conventional wisdom suggests. The survey reflects the deep concern Americans have about climate change, but it also shows a willingness to take action that is likely to surprise many in America and around the world.
As the world begins to realize climate change is here, Americans say they are willing to take action to combat climate change in specific ways; indicating a willingness to make lifestyle changes and invest their own resources that run counter to the perception that America is tuned out to the danger. Large majorities are willing to install solar panels on their home (63%), reduce their own air travel (60%), replace a natural gas or oil furnace with a heat pump (61%). A significant proportion are willing to eliminate meat from their diet completely (40%) and are even willing to buy dog food made from insects (39%).
The past two years of the pandemic has been a challenge for everyone, and hope can sometimes feel like it is in short supply. Climate change is here, but it is never too late to start taking action. This survey proves that Americans have the opportunity, and the willingness, to fight back and preserve our planet.
Below you will find a downloadable version of the full report.
The survey was conducted among 1,001 respondents via a representative nationwide web panel of American Adults age 18 and older in late 2021. The results were checked and weighted when necessary to reflect the overall demographic and geographic makeup of American adults, with an effective overall margin of error of ± 3.1 percentage points.
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